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Although From Murder to Grace started as a testimony, it has turned into an online store where I create original merchandise such as paintings, clothes, oils, and perfume. I also offer my books for sale. Come check out what I have made through inspiration of The Holy Spirit! We are a unique shop!
Who We Are
We are a foolish company of radical believers who dare to do as God says with no regard to fear or failure. We are those who have come from a pit and have been rejected by the world yet accepted into the beloved. We are the remnant! We are the bold and courageous ones who see the world in need of Jesus and so desire to lay our lives down for the cause. We are those genuine lovers of Christ who know Him and seek Him above all things!  We are those who see the reformation coming upon the horizon and say:
Mail Correspondence Here:
839 Commerce Lane
P.O. BOX 565
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49004
(Be sure to include entire address)
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